Illinois associate professor Minh Do, along with researchers at ADSC, have developed a software called Intelligent Scribbles, which allows for an object in an image to be etched out in real time. The software has been licensed by SnapClip, which is commercializing the technology. Read more about this research in the following two articles published in The Straits Times and Tech in Asia.
Photobombers beware - unwanted faces can now be removed from photographs, thanks to a locally made software.
Called Intelligent Scribbles, the software allows an object in an image to be etched out in real time, unlike most other software where you would need to wait a few seconds for the pixels to render.
Read more about ADSC's new editing software in Singapore's The Straits Times Asia Report.
Is there such a thing as doing a startup the ‘Asian way’? If you’re Ali Kurtze, the Singapore-based founder of startup Basilo Labs which just launched its video effects app Snapclip, it’s a resounding yes.
Doing a startup in Asia – and we’re using that term broadly, while excluding the market-specific quirks of places like China and India – brings constraints. The venture capital industry is tiny, and investors are revenue-first rather than growth-oriented. This means founders are forced to think about their revenue models early, instead of entering the VC circus with a minimum viable product and playing investors off one another.
Read more about ADSC's new editing software in Tech in Asia.