Indriyati Atmosukarto

Indriyati Atmosukarto
Indriyati Atmosukarto

Indriyati (Indri) Atmosukarto is an Adjunct Research Scientist with ADSC from September 2011 - May 2014. Prior to joining ADSC, Indri was a Postdoctoral Senior Fellow in the Department of Pediatrics in the School of Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle. She worked at the Seattle Children's Research Institute, advised by Dr. Michael Cunningham in the Center of Tissue and Cell Sciences and Dr. Matthew Speltz in the Center for Child Health, Behavior and Development. During her graduate studies, Indri worked with Prof. Linda Shapiro. She was also a research engineer at the National University of Singapore before starting her graduate studies in Seattle.

Research Interests: Computer vision, machine learning, and medical image analysis

ADSC Project:


  • Ph.D. in computer science and engineering from the University of Washington, 2010
  • M.Sc. in computer science and engineering from the University of Washington, 2006
  • M.Sc. in computer science from the National University of Singapore, 2002
  • B.Sc. in computer science (1st class honours) from the National University of Singapore, 2000


Journal publications:

  • I. Atmosukarto, L. G. Shapiro, J. R. Starr, C. L. Heike, B. Collett, M. L. Cunningham, M. L. Speltz. 3D Head Shape Quantification for Infants with and without Deformational Plagiocephaly. In the Cleft-Palate Craniofacial Journal, 2010.
  • I. Atmosukarto, K. Wilamowska, C. Heike, L. G. Shapiro. 3D Object Classification using Salient Point Patterns With Application to Craniofacial Research. In Pattern Recognition, 2010.

Conference publications:

  • I. Atmosukarto, L. G. Shapiro, C. Heike. The Use of Genetic Programming for Learning 3D Craniofacial Shape Quantification. In International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2010.
  • I. Atmosukarto and L. G. Shapiro. 3D Object Retrieval Using Salient Views. In ACM Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2010.
  • L.Shapiro, K. Wilamowska, I. Atmosukarto, J. Wu, C. Heike, M. Speltz, M. Cunningham. Shape-Based Classification of 3D Head Data. In International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing, 2009.
  • I. Atmosukarto, L. Shapiro, M. Cunningham, M. Speltz. Automatic 3D Shape Severity Quantification and Localization for Deformational Plagiocephaly. In Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, 2009.
  • R. F. Tungaraza, L. G. Shapiro, J. Guan, I. Atmosukarto, S. M. Rolfe, J. Ojemann, A. Poliakov, E. Aylward, N. M. Kleinhans, J. F. Brinkley. A Similarity Retrieval Method for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Statistical Maps. In Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging: Image Processing, 2009.
  • S. Yang, I. Atmosukarto, J. Franklin, J. Brinkley, D. Suciu, L. Shapiro. A Model of Multimodal Fusion for Medical Applications. In Proc. SPIE Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems III, 2009.
  • I. Atmosukarto, L. Shapiro. A Learning Approach to 3D Object Classification. In Proc. S+SSPR, 2008.
  • I. Atmosukarto, L. G. Shapiro. A Salient-Point Signature for 3D Object Retrieval. In Proc. ACM Multimedia Information Retrieval, 2008.
  • I. Atmosukarto, L. G. Shapiro. Global 3D Mesh Segmentation using Local Operators. In Proc. Eurographics 2008 Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, 2008.
  • I. Atmosukarto, R. Travillian, J. Franklin, L. Shapiro, J. Brinkley, D. Suciu. A Unifying Framework for Combining Content-based Image Retrieval with Relational Database Queries for Biomedical Applications. In Proc. Society for Imaging Informatics for Medicine Annual Meeting, 2008.
  • L. G. Shapiro, I. Atmosukarto, H. Cho, H. J. Lin, S. Ruiz-Correa, J. Yuen. Similarity-Based Retrieval for Biomedical Applications. In Case-Based Reasoning on Images and Signals, P. Perner (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2008, pp. 356-387.
  • I. Atmosukarto, T. D. Soper, E. J. Seibel, Robb W. Glenny, L. G. Shapiro. An Interactive 3D User Interface for Bronchoscopy. In Proc. SPIE Medical Imaging: Visualization and Image Guided Procedure, 2007. Nominee for the Michael B. Merickel best student paper award.
  • T. D. Soper, I. Atmosukarto, E. J. Seibel, Robb W. Glenny. Interactive 3D Interface for Guiding an Ultrathin Bronchoscope. In Proc. UIST, 2005.
  • Y. Li, I. Atmosukarto, M. Kobashi, J. Yuen, L. G. Shapiro. Object and Event Recognition for Aerial Surveillance. In SPIE Optics and Photonics in Global Homeland Security, SPIE Defense and Security Symposium, 2005. (invited paper)
  • I. Atmosukarto, W. K. Leow, Z. Huang. Feature Combination and Relevance Feedback for 3D Model Retrieval. In Proc. IEEE Multimedia Modelling, 2005.
  • M. Yu, I. Atmosukarto, W. K. Leow, Z. Huang, R. Xu. 3D Model Retrieval with Morphing-based Geometric and Topological Feature Maps. In Proc. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2003, 2:656-661.
  • L. Zhou, I. Atmosukarto, W. K. Leow, Z. Huang. Reconstructing Surface Discontinuities by Intersecting Tangent Planes of Advancing Mesh Frontiers. In Proc.Computer Graphics International, 2002.
  • I. Atmosukarto, L. Zhou, W. K. Leow, Z. Huang. Polygonizing Non-uniformly Distributed 3D Points by Advancing Mesh Frontiers. In Proc.Computer Graphics International, 2001, 175-182.
  • W. K. Leow, Z. Huang, L. Zhou, I. Atmosukarto, Y. Zhang. Acquiring 3D Models from Images for Multimedia Systems. In Proc. International Conference on Multimedia Modeling, 2000, 439-449.
  • I. Atmosukarto, W. K. Leow, Z. Huang, Y. Zhang, K. K. Sung. Mesh Construction from Non-uniformly Distributed and Noisy 3D Points Recovered from Image Sequence. In Proc. Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications, 2000, 423-424.


Frontier Advancing Polygonization
Patent Publication No. US-2003-0063085-A1, 3 April 2003.
Wee Kheng Leow, Zhiyong Huang, Luping Zhou and I. Atmosukarto.