Varun Badrinath Krishna
Research Interests: All software & data mining applications in the Smart Grid. Specific interests include:
- Demand-side management: Collection of sensor data, data analytics (mining & machine learning applications), control of appliances to improve energy efficiency (SCADA & multi-agent systems)
- Electricity markets: Pricing mechanisms and their security properties
ADSC Research Projects:
- B. Eng. (Hons) in Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore, 2011 (with Minor in Technology Entrepreneurship and University Scholars Programme)
- Part-time student, Stanford University, 2009. Courses taken: Operating Systems and Systems Programming, Global Entrepreneurial Marketing, High Technology Entrepreneurship.
Past Experiences:
- Experimental Power Grid Centre, A*STAR in Singapore; Research Engineer: March 2011 – April 2012
- L2 Solutions, San Jose, California (United States of America); Software Engineer: Aug 2008 – Jul 2009
Publications and Patents:
- Rui Tan, Varun Badrinath Krishna, David K. Y. Yau, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk. 2013. Impact of integrity attacks on real-time pricing in smart grids. In Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications security (CCS ’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 439-450. [Project Page] [PDF]
- Deokwoo Jung, Varun Badrinath Krishna, Ngo Quang Minh Khiem, Hoang Hai Nguyen, David K. Y. Yau. EnergyTrack : Sensor-Driven Energy Use Analysis System. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 6, 8 pages. (Best Paper Candidate) [Project Page] [PDF] [News Article]
- Runner-Up Winner of the Energy Efficiency for Everyone (E3) Hackathon, sponsored by Urban Prototyping Singapore, Energy Market Authority and Singapore Power. [News Article]
Professional Activities:
- Member, IEEE
- Varun Badrinath Krishna, Deokwoo Jung, Ngo Quang Minh Khiem, Hoang Hai Nguyen, and David K. Y. Yau. 2013. DEMO Abstract- EnergyTrack: Sensor-Driven Energy Use Analysis System. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM Workshop on Embedded Systems For Energy-Efficient Buildings (BuildSys’13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 38, 2 pages. [Project Page] [PDF] [Demo Website]